Re: SRH: Improvement of Hindu Newsgroups is the Goal
In article <4d4hpn$6jb@babbage.ece.uc.edu>, Arun Malik <vri@tiac.net> wrote:
>If the Vaishnavas gain control of soc.religion.hindu,
Here is the first faulty assumption - I assume that you have looked at
the postings by the proposed moderators (as you had indicated you
would a long time ago), and you should have seen that they are most
definitely not the same as the postings by the proponents.
The _moderators_, and not the proponents, are the ones who will decide
what articles are accepted or rejected, and they won't be doing so in
an ad-hoc manner, since there are clear guidelines in the RFD about
what is and is not appropriate.
Furthermore, if you were so worried about others "gain[ing] control",
then shouldn't you be encouraging Ajay Shah to join the RFD as a
moderator? After all, he's been offered the position, and the offer
still stands, so rather than this paranoia on your part, you should
look and see that Ajay would have a very easy way to join in the
moderation of the new groups.
Now, what's interesting to me is the pattern of your objections over
time. When the auto-moderated soc.religion.vaishnava was proposed, you
screamed at length about how a cult was out to take over the internet.
You even went on to count articles on alt.religion.vaisnava and try to
claim that it wasn't being intentionally abused by people, a claim
that many of the _readers_ of ARV made. Now, you are creating
paranoia about how Vaishnavas are trying to take over the Hindu
newsgroup, something which has been addressed and refuted earlier, and
you spent much effort earlier doing various Dejanews searches, etc.
However, when the proposal for rec.music.white-power came up, not only
did you not point out its lack of justification, as others had done,
but you went to great lengths to compliment the proponent on his good
manners. His document with instructions to other racists on how to
subvert other newsgroups and how to recruit neo-nazis wasn't decried
by you - it was commended by you.
Overall, I'm baffled by the amount of energy you've expended to try to
defeat SRV and now this reorg of SRH, and the amount of energy you've
expended praising the proponents of the rec.music.white-power RFD. In
fact, some of the things you are praising him for are the _exact_
things you were decrying in other places. I would be more than happy
to provide specifics, but the two main articles which I found rather
disturbing in light of earlier events were
<4cmu53$h2o@sundog.tiac.net> and <4coas7$4ds@sundog.tiac.net>, where
you commend the good behavior of the neo-nazis.
Sat Jan 13 14:12:26 CST 1996