
SRH improvement

Dear Friends:

Although I have missed it, I was told that Sri Nagraj Patil 
has said that Vaisnavas are like Muslims and Sri Nachiketa Tiwari has 
said that Vaisnavas are out to divide Hindus.  However, I did notice 
that we have grown increasingly suspicious of the Vasinavas, and thus 
have made our own contribution to divisiveness.  I do not think that we 
should engage in unjust Vaisnava-blaming.

I also hope that we agree to end the idea of SRH reorganization and discuss 
SRH improvement instead.  SRH can be improved without reorganization. We 
have heard from Sri Ajay Shah, about SRH improvement, and I hope that the 
rest of us follow up on that, instead of insisting on a divisive 
reorganization plan.  Since I see very slow movement towards a 
settlement, I request the following. If you think that you too would like to 
see the reorg plan mutated to improvement plan, please voice your support.

With best regards,


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