Re: Help - jagannatha/juggernaut
Sheryl Clay (sclay@connix.com) wrote:
: I'm trying to track down some information concerning the word "juggernaut," which my Webster's
: dictionary tells me is derived from the word "jagannatha." (Lord of the World?) The "inexorable
: force" definition associated with "juggernaut" is supposed to have something to do with
: "jagannatha" associated with the Hindu god Visnu, but I can't find anything behind the
: reference. Nothing I've read indicates that Visnu was a "destroyer god" in any of his
: incarnations, but I'll admit, I haven't read very much.
Dear Ms. Sheryl Clay:
Your dictionary is wrong, and you are right. Jagannatha is not a
representation of Lord Vishnu, but simply the Lord of the World. It is a
complex subject, and unless you really want to know, Jagannatha is
Ishvara, and he is the creator, nourisher and destroyer of the world. If
you need to know in more detail, please write back.
With best regards,