
Re: SRH: Improvement of Hindu Newsgroups is the Goal

It seems that there is still some confusion about what sorts of posts
would make it to which groups under the reorganization proposal. I
will try to clarify some of these points below.

In article <4di8kt$fq0@babbage.ece.uc.edu>,
N. Tiwari <ntiwari@rs3.esm.vt.edu> wrote:
>GOPAL  Ganapathiraju Sree Ramana (gopal@ecf.toronto.edu) wrote:
>Political discussions: No. Reason, such a distinction is very
>difficult to make. Even discussion of Vedas, might have
>political overtones. 

The criteria used to judge whether a post is of interest to an
apolitical audience. If the discussion of the Vedas has political
overtones, but that's it, then the post is obviously of interest to an
apolitical audience, right?

So, only the "pure politics" posts wouldn't be allowed on SRH, but
they could still be posted to TRH.

Specifically, the RFD states: "Political announcements, hortatory
articles, calls-to-action, reminders of past misdeeds, special-format
postings, etc., will be rejected, as will postings that espouse
hate. Moderators will discourage political discussions, but will
permit postings that mention politics, as long as such are of an
interest to a non-political audience."

Wed Jan 17 11:58:53 CST 1996

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