
Re: SRH: Improvement of Hindu Newsgroups is the Goal

This article deals again with the topic of what kinds of political
articles will and won't be allowed on SRH under the reorganization

In article <4di8ko$fpv@babbage.ece.uc.edu>,
N. Tiwari <ntiwari@rs3.esm.vt.edu> wrote:
>None. And articles, which are "purely political" are not 
>permitted even in the present set up. 

If I submitted an article about "Ultras causing the Surat plague",
articles dealing with elections in India, or articles about political
maneuvering between Indian and Pakistan, would those be permitted?

Note that the first article on the list actually appeared on alt.hindu,
and soc.religion.hindu has the same policies.

>: The RFD only asks separation of articles that have political content 
>: into two categories, (1) those that will generate interest in 'apolitical'
>: audience of hindu dharma and (2) those that are purely political propaganda
>: posts. the former will go to s.r.h. and the other will go to other info or
>: talk group depending on the nature of article.
>If that is what the RFD indeed says, then IMO, it is a very
>silly document. I give the reasons:

That first clause makes it sound like you haven't read the RFD, and if
that is the case, then perhaps you should, since all of this could be
cleared up. It can be found at

>: just watching srs or srv i get the feeling that *pure* political articles
>: from whatever end of the political spectrum be sent to other groups.
>                            *****************************************
>And they have NEVER appeared in the present s.r.h. Rember: articles
>which are purely political. So, what is the problem.

On the contrary - it has been claimed that SRH is balanced politically
because both pro- and anti- articles have been allowed, and this
proves that your assertion is incorrect. The reorg would send all of
these articles that deal (only) with politics elsewhere.

Wed Jan 17 12:23:14 CST 1996

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