
Re: SRH: Improvement of Hindu newsgroups is the goal

Ramakrishnan Balasubramanian wrote:
> Please, guys
> can we forget what has already happened and work towards a reasonable solution?

Mani Varadarajan has already proposed a compromise, both on
news.groups and soc.religion.hindu, and as far as I know,
it has the support of the proponents (at least, none of the
proponents has spoken against it, and several have also spoken
for it). Now the ball is in the moderator's court; if he is
ready for compromise we have the document with which we can

> the Srirangam group can look through it and voice their objections, if any.
> I am wondering if the current proponents will be satisfied if there are multiple
> moderators and preserve the current structure of srh.

This is exactly what the compromise proposal talks about, actually!
Ramakrishnan, you're sounding more like the "Srirangam group" every

> Also the guidelines for
> moderators could be set up after both sides discuss.

This is also in the proposed compromise. The proponents have been
ready to discuss. Is the current moderator? Mind you, the compromise
has now been out for weeks with no action from the moderator,
including even an acknowledgment or a rebuttal.

> If I remember right, Raj Bhatnagar also voiced the opinion that some say in the
> moderation policies can be given to the current proponents. That sounds quite
> reasonable to me.
> Ramakrishnan.


Submitted around Thu Jan 18 09:57:58 CST 1996

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