

I agree with you completely Amit..However I would like to point out some 
swami's who have spoken out. 

For example..Swami Agnivesh is very well known for his social 
reformation activities. The Pejawar math swamiji in Karnataka is very 
well known for his social work - the swamiji works in slums and has 
built hospitals and an organization that is very active in social 
reformation and removing social ills.

The temples in the USA are an effort by a comparitively small community 
to preserve their samskriti and dharma for their children. So a temple 
should be seen in a broader context.

In <4df31o$6ah@babbage.ece.uc.edu> mgans@uxa.ecn.bgu.edu (Amit N. Shah) 
>Right.  And all the money thay spend in the constructioin and
>maintenence of that place.  I some time question my self "Does GOD
>really live in there?"  This is how a temple is made (as far as my
>knowledge is)
>Sone Swamy gets an idea of builting a temple.
>He (or Her) and their followers go on collecting money.  Money can come
>from any where, a gunda, a smugler, a cheap politition, any one...
>Then they get a contractor whos job is to built excellent struture.  He
>gets workers (on daily wages) and gets the work done.  He makes sure
>that he gets maximum profit in that either by using bad material and/or
>by paying low wages.
>Once the construction is over, nither the contractors, nor the workers
>are interested in going in there.  They have to build another one.
>Then some priests are called to do some puja.  They speak some language
>which may be they themselves don't understand.  People are fed and the
>doner's name is written all over the walls.  After the ceremony is 
>all go home.
>For maintenence, they hire a person for cleaning of the temple and one
>for cleaning the idols.  He is just doing his job.
>Thus the people who donated the money, one who built it and the one who
>brought the idol to life (the pran pratishtha puja) all of them don't
>want to go to the temple.
>Does GOD really live in a structure like this?
>This is like someone calling me to stay with them.  But after I go to
>their house, nither the owner of the house, nor the family members, nor
>the servants wants to talk to me.  If I am in such a situation, I would
>think of running from that place as soon as possible.
>I say this is just a big business.  Making money/prestige/power and
>thing like that.  I hate to use the word "temple" for such structures.
>Sorry if I have offended any one but these are the facts that I have
>If anyone has a different view let me know.     
>Have a nice (and thoughtful) day.
>Subm.: srh@rbhatnagar.csm.uc.edu Admin: 
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