I am NOT a Nazi . . . Sigh
Vivek Pai carefully takes two or three lines from an article I posted
to the debate on rec.music.white-power, spins them with the force of a
tornado, and then claims to be baffled over my "adulations" of the
Nazis which he then posts to soc.religion.hindu!
I've already refuted this demented interpretation once, and I'll do so
once _again_, and then I will stop. First, to understand the intent
and scope of the article it is necessary to read the 30-40 articles
posted immediately preceding and following the article I posted. The
context of the ongoing debate over rec.music.white-power is . . .
Actually, as I type this, I suddenly realize that this is exactly what
Vivek wants. If a post another refutation, he'll just twist what I
say again and again, thus distracting people from the article I quote
below, the THREAT Vivek made against Ajay Shah for his support of
soc.religion.hindu.vaishnava rather than soc.religion.vaishnava.
Vivek's standard response to this article is to dodge the main point
of this article by cutting and pasting large sections of his biased
"FAQ" without ever refuting the charge that the SRH re-org is
motivated by a desire to punish Ajay Shah.
The standard response to this is that Ajay Shah can always go ahead
and join the list of moderators selected by Vivek et al. This clever
political ploy neglects the fact that the other proposed moderators
can then vote Ajay out the day after the SRH reorganization passes.
BTW, Gopal, can't you see the human element behind this proposal? If
you were a moderator of a newsgroup, working hard to advance hindu
dharma, and immediately after you posted an article supporting SRHV
instead of SRV, a group of people who were voracious supporters of SRV
suddenly post an RFD to re-organize the newsgroup you were
moderating, would you not believe that it was motivated by vengeance?
Particularly when they state this openly - as in the article I quote
below. Would you trust them?
Improvement of SRH is simply a convenient smokescreen to punish Ajay
Shah for daring to disagree with the supporters of SRV.
Currently articles are clearing promptly, and I am sure that, given
this brutal attempt to punish Ajay, that he will carefully make sure
that this continues. If, at some time in the future, the number of
articles posted to SRH becomes too much for a single moderator to
handle, then Ajay, after consultation with the readers of SRH, can
choose a co-moderator.
Not only Nazis want to deny freedom to others. By punishing Ajay Shah
for expressing his personal opinion about the correct name for a new
newsgroup, Vivek et al. also wish to deny freedom of expression.
Arun Malik
---------------- start quote -------------------
Re: Fishy E-Mail: vote against soc.religion.vaishnava
From: vivek@medea.cs.rice.edu (Vivek Sadananda Pai)
Date: 1995/11/13
MessageID: 488lua$mk7@larry.rice.edu#1/1
Therefore, I would hope that peopl of good conscience would get
quite angry with you if you scuttle a newsgroup for your political
desires, and they would see to it that your politics don't interfere
with religion any more.
That is what you will have to contend with as the result of your
Can you say karma?
----------------- End quote ----------------------------------------