
Re: Sai Baba Exposed

I am not a follower of Satya Sai Baba, but I resent that an obvious anglo
is trying to attack his movement as a cult. They would not dare attack
a christian movement, a offshoot Jewish movement, or even a Moslem 
movement as a cult, for obvious reasons. These groups have political 
clout that we Indians do not. Religious beliefs are based upon faith
that cannot be proven. But, Ms. Lindemann, our faith is more established 
than any you can hope to have. Just because our faith is not one of the 
major strands in America, does not make it a cult. 
     As I said I am not a follower of Sai Baba, but I know several who 
are. They do not have stamps of cultists. They have lives of their own 
and there lives are not ruled by and are not subject to a single will. 
I think Hindus should wake up and protest bigoted attacks from whatever 
quarter. Whether they be Pat Robertson, who calls Hinduism a demonic 
religion or are someone trying to typecast what I and my forebears have 
believed in as being something inferior to their beliefs.

aq974@lafn.org (Bon Giovanni) wrote:
>                       ------------------------------------------------
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>            The spirit of the Lord, indeed, fills the whole world,
>         and that which holds all things together knows every
>        word that is said.
>                           -Wisdom 1:7, The Jerusalem Bible
>For the past three weeks I have been addressing remarks made by
>ari@speakeasy.org, satya@speakeasy.org, truthizme@aol.com,
>wlotus@ix.netcom. Two days back Arianna Lindemann announced that is
>*because* of an article she had posted about Sai Baba.
>She errs. I have not seen that article, and ask her or anyone who
>did see it to repost the message ID from that article (or the entire
>article) here and at soc.culture.indian in the thread entitled
>I ask so that all tales about Sai may be discussed openly- that
>includes the stories Ms Lindemann so desires to hear of.
>I noticed that in her message <4df2lf$681@babbage.ece.uc.edu> at 
>soc.religion.hindu, Ari snipped off her current sig, which appeared in 
>all the other fora where she asked for the same information.  I add her 
>missing sig, since it shows her views rather clearly:
>          ***********Arianna Lindemann****White Lotus Dharma
>          Center*********** ***World Wide Support Network for those
>          Abused By Spiritual Authorities***
>          White Lotus Dharma Center works actively to expose corruption 
>          in our spiritual communities. We are therefore a target for
>          internet and other forms of harassment, libel, etc. from
>          various cult followers. Rather than rely on flames and libel
>          for information about us, check out our web site:
>          http://www.speakeasy.org/~ari
>         *We encourage serious correspondence by e mail: 
>         ari@speakeasy.org 
>         ************************************************************** 
>         ** *For more information about an obsessed, mentally ill, Sai 
>         Baba cult member, his harassment and libel of me and his 
>         threats to sue speakeasy.org if I did not stop exposing his
>         tactics and his guru, Sai Baba, please e mail or do Alta Vista
>         search under Bon Giovanni. * Thank you*
>By all means, please fulfill her requests. The sooner the truth is
>posted, the better.
>All best wishes
> -=%@%=-=%@%=-=%@%=-=%@%=-=%@%*+*%@%=-=%@%=-=%@%=-=%@%=-=%@%=-=%@%=-
>>   _          Patience is all the strength a man needs.    _      <
>>                                             -Sri Sathya Sai Baba <
> -=%@%=-=%@%=-=%@%=-=%@%=-=%@%*+*%@%=-=%@%=-=%@%=-=%@%=-=%@%=-=%@%=-
>Subm.: srh@rbhatnagar.csm.uc.edu Admin: srh-request@rbhatnagar.csm.uc.edu 
>Archives/Home Page: http://rbhatnagar.csm.uc.edu:8080/soc_hindu_home.html

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