Re: The religious meaning of ``Jagannatha''
To: soc-religion-hindu@uunet.uu.net
Subject: Re: The religious meaning of ``Jagannatha''
From: gopal@ecf.toronto.edu (GOPAL Ganapathiraju Sree Ramana)
Date: Fri, 19 Jan 1996 10:56:03 -0500
Newsgroups: soc.religion.hindu
Organization: University of Toronto, Engineering Computing Facility
References: <4d72sq$8de@babbage.ece.uc.edu> <4df335$6b9@babbage.ece.uc.edu> <4dks93$khi@babbage.ece.uc.edu> <4dnea9$pt3@babbage.ece.uc.edu>
Sender: news@ecf.toronto.edu (News Administrator)
some what not-so-related questions:
There is a story which goes like this:
There was one king who wanted to construct a temple for
krishna. after a great search and screening, he finds a
shilpi (sculptor sp?) whom he considres as the best, and
requests him to make the idols for the temple. He agrees,
but puts a condition: that he should be given all required
materials, gold, ornaments/jewellery, adequate food sufficient
for 6 months, and a place to work, and most importantly
he should *not* be disturbed for these 6 months even by
a gentle knock on the door. He gets all the items asked
for, and he goes into to the room alloted in the palace,
and closes the room. King is excited that his dream of
constructing the temple is taking shape, and is curious
to see the progress of making of idols, but due to the
condition, he was never able to enter. he keeps wandering
around the room during his leisure, with an expectation
that he can peep in if the door is to be opened. he is
disappointed with the condition, since he was always
thinking that he should oversee the scupture, as he himself
is well educated in the field.
he is puzzled, since he does not hear any sounds at all
coming from the room for weeks, nor finds the doors open.
after about 5 months or so, he gets suspicous: could he
have gone away for good with gold and ornaments?
so he opens the doors gently. The shilpi gets annoyed and
stops making the idols, and tells him that the corner stone
of belief in god is faith. The king apologises and laments,
but the shilpi says, it is the sweet wish of god not to have
hands and feet, and that he should not stop installation of
the unfinished idols. and these idols are : krishna, balarama
and subhadra.
i do not know how authentic the story is.
now the questions:
if this story is right, is this not about jagannath?
if so, is krishna not vishnu?