
Re: Towards a peaceful compromise

Re: my previous article reg compromise on the horizon..

Why i posted it without even consulting some  stalwarts  of  sup-
porters and opposers?

There are a couple of stories you might to enjoy, even if you are
not  satisfied  with my earlier post about nearing  to a comprom-

 First story is about Bhima 

One day bhima, youdhister and krishna were walking, and some poor
begger approaches them for charity.

Bhima snatches a golden necklace  (dont  worry...  from  his  own
neck!) and gives it away, but with his *left* hand.

Yudhister takes objection: the person may be a  begger,  but  you
should  have  some  courtesy, why do you show such arrogance? can
you not give the same with the right hand, more courteously?

krishna, watching this, smiles and asks bhima to  explain.  Bhima
replies:  during  the  moments  that  i change hands, a streak of
selfishness *can* creep in and my mind can  fickle  (verb?).   so
when  i  want  to give away, i do it in a rush. for more balanced
and mature people like yudhister  fickle  mindedness  is  not   a
problem, but for poor individuals like me, it is

yudhister learns a lesson from his brother, for the  first  time!
krishna  thinks, bhima has great respect for his brother (this is

 Second story about Raavana

A story about ravana projects him  as  the  greatest  astrologer.
Rama,  the  story  says,  sends emissary to consult Ravana, for a
good muhurath for the war. and ravana can not refuse the request,
and   thus  rama wins the war. ... but the story goes... a little
further. after ravana  is  grounded  by  the  final  arrow,  rama
reaches  him,  and  bows to the great personality and asks him to
give any lessons before departing. raavana tells two things

(1) if you intend to do good work, never consult  an  astrologer.
do  it  right away. for good work there is no need for muhurth. i
always wanted to construct a ladder to heavens so that the  raak-
shasa  can  have free access, and devathas can not stop them from
coming there. but i always postponed... what is hurry, i have  no
death...  let me wait for good planetary combinations. had i done
it, i would have been worshipped like a god, for ever  by  coming

(2) if you intend to do a bad work, look for good  planetary  in-
fluences.  i wanted to take possession of other-man's wife (femms
pl pardon me.. it just a story for fun). and  i did it  at  once,
without  looking  for good muhurth. and see my fate, my lord, all
the planets are making fun of this astrologer!

conceding three moderators, and the info group is a great  sacri-
fice  for the proponents, and conceding throwing out of political
articles of all hues from the group  will be  a  great  sacrifice
from opponents. if they both can make it, who am i *anyway*?

the  problem  is that proponents may think i have *back* stabbed
them. the opposers may think it is 'good politics'.ofcourse that
should not surprise the onlookers like me!!!!!

hope you will see this:
i know it is a heavy nose-cutting for me, since i  always  argued
the  merits  of  RFD  with  my  *heart* in it, and, accepting any
compromise is a lost ego for me. so, when that thought of compro-
mise came to me, i shot it away without second thoughts.(actually
i felt it is a *good work* under bhima-ravana theses!)

G.Sree Ramana Gopal

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