Re: SRH: Improvement of Hindu Newsgroups is the Goal
This minor thread started when Jai clipped a small portion of
an exchange and tried to put his own spin on it. The exchange
was about the proper way to receive the Gayatri Mantra. I was
rather disappointed that Jai intentionally took the exchange
out of context and tried to put an evil slant to it, and now
I'm surprised that even after my explanation of the whole matter,
someone still wants to level accusations.
In article <4dp0ai$kf8@sundog.tiac.net>, vri@tiac.net (Arun Malik) writes:
|> And the name of the newsgroup was humanities.language.sanskrit, not
|> soc.religion.sanskrit.
Let's pretend I'm at an art gallery and someone wants to buy a
scalpel that I have on display. A scalpel, in the right hands,
is beneficial, but it can also cause harm if not used properly.
Should I _not_ tell the person which end to hold it from, since
I'm in an art gallery, and not a hospital?
No - clearly, if you feel that there is a possible downside to
something, you have a responsibility to make it known.
|> Reasons based on religous doctrine limiting
|> publication of sanskrit text are not appropriate to that group. The
What doctrine? As others have pointed out, the incorrect use of
a mantra is believed to be detrimental. Furthermore, many Hindus
consider this mantra sacred, and while you may not, don't you
have any respect for those that do?
The suggestion to the person who made the query was not that they
were not fit to learn it, but that if they wanted to learn it, they
should do so properly.
|> only reason listed below that would be a valid criticism is the lack
|> of diacritical marks.
Although you may not consider it sacred or special, does that mean
that others who hold it with that regard have no right to express
their opinion on the matter?
Earlier, I could've sworn you defended some actions of yours with
something about how they were all things a Hindu might do. Now, we
see a situation where a Hindu is doing something a Hindu might do,
and you're ridiculing him for it?
Once again, Mr. Malik, you are inconsistent, but why is that not
surprising? After all, you didn't even point out that Jai was doing
a bad cut-and-paste job, something you decried earlier when you
thought I was doing it.
At least you are consistent in being inconsistent.
|> There is no need for _instruction_ in its use, for it to be handed
|> over by a guru, etcetera, as the newsgroup is not a religous
|> newsgroup!
That argument, of course, is based on the premise that the
Gayatri mantra, if taken out of a religious context, fails to
have any meaning, an argument that I consider to be false.
Fri Jan 19 16:00:56 CST 1996