
Re: Jesus and caste system

In article <4dnf2n$q2v@babbage.ece.uc.edu>, sns@ix.netcom.com (Sam Sanders ) writes:
|> In <4dks5k$kh6@babbage.ece.uc.edu> vivek@cs.rice.edu (Vivek Sadananda 
|> Pai) writes: 
|> You see in vijays posting ( given at the bottom )a perfect example of 
|> how people misinterpret stuff just to get their own agenda of 
|> reorganiation going..

Likewise, I believe you got Vijay's name wrong. As the line you
quoted shows, his name is Vivek that time, and that would be me.

What was that about misinterpretation? ;-)

However, the whole point of that post seems to have been lost on
a good number of people - it was a bit of tongue-in-cheek humor
about who is and isn't a Hindu, and what is and isn't Hindu.

One of the things I don't take very seriously is this insistence
on branding things a certain way, and that's why I got a laugh
out of the Jesus postings. Some people will insist that he be
called a Jew, some will insist that he was a Christian, some
will say that he was a Muslim, and some will say that he was a Hindu,
or, at least, got his philosophy from Hinduism.

In any case, it's pointless to me. Likewise, I've seen statements
that Book X is a HINDU book, etc., etc., and frankly, I believe
that if we are really convinced that God spoke it, then it's
not a book for any particular group at all - it's for everyone.

That's why I take much of this "branding" with a grain of salt,
and that's why I asked about soc.religion.hindu.christian.

|> vijay, for your info it is not "issa" upanishad ( as you pointed out ) 
|> but ishopanishad ( isha + upanishad - a sandhi ) and we all know know 
|> isha is a short form for ishwara. 

Thank you, but I was already well aware of the isopanishad. However,
I was, in fact, discussing a (assumed) fabricated text - I can't
remember if it's the Issa Upanishad or the Issa Purana. In any case,
it's not important, since I went with the Issa Upanishad for humor

Issa is one of the variant names for Jesus, if I remember correctly,
and there are people who present the Issa Purana (I think it's the
Issa Purana) as proof that Jesus was a Hindu.

So, while I'm not convinced of the authenticity of that document
(to put it mildly), I'll go ahead and let people say that Jesus
lived in Kashmir, and that Jesus married there, settled there
after the crucifixion, and was healed by Ayurvedic doctors. Frankly,
it makes no difference to me, since the important things are
the teachings.

|> By the way - buddhism and jainism are derived from the Sankhya 
|> philosophy which is one of the 6-darshanas , which are considered to be 
|> all of hinduism. Sikhism, Jainism, Buddhism and all the other 
|> philosophies that have originated from the soil of India have a lot in 
|> common and are very tolerant. Unlike the semitic religions ( i.e 
|> christianity, islam and judaism ) which preach that their god ( jesus, 
|> allah, etc ) is the only God and anyone who doesnt believe goes to hell.

That blanket statement isn't true at all, but I don't think this is
the proper forum to go into it. Suffice it to say that your interpretation
of the Semitic religions does not cover all of the modern beliefs.
A quick item to ponder - what do those religions say of the people
who lived and died before Jesus? If we take your interpretation at
face value, then those people would have to go to hell, but if you've
spoken to any Christian scholar, you know that this, along with a
vast number of other topics, have quite a number of answers.

|> All the philosophies that have originated from the soil of India do come 
|> under Hinduism, have a tremendous number of common ideas ( infact much 
|> more than the christian denominations ) and all people that follow those 
|> philosophies are Hindus.
|> I request all the vaishnava proponents and mr.Ajai Shah and Mr. 
|> Bhatnagar to make peace. Please do not make SRH some kind of personal 
|> fiefdom or place for personal vendetta.

This isn't a Vaishnava versus non-Vaishnava issue at all, but I
agree with your desire for peace. I'm willing to talk about a
compromise if Ajay is.


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