
Re: "What percentage is Hindu?"

R. Ganguli (ganguli@eng.umd.edu) wrote:

: In article <4b5lct$9sd@babbage.ece.uc.edu>, pwilliam@s-cwis.unomaha.edu (WILLIAMS) writes:
: >
: >Hom much of the world's population is hindu?
: >
: >Patrick
: >-- 

: 80% of 900 million people in India and about 10 million 
: expatriates. That makes about 730 million. Besides this,
: Nepal is also a Hindu country, though I don't exactly
: know it's population.

: Ranjan
: -- 

If you consider Buddhism as the unadulterated form of Hinduism then the 
number increases to well over a billion.

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