
Happy New Year and Welcome Back!

Dear Friends,

Saprem Namaskar!

I wish you all a spiritually and materially a very happy and prosperous 1996.

I sincerely hope that the new year also rings in a sense of cooperation and 
not conflict among the Hindus on the net.  A new year, in which we will all
use Soc.Religion.Hindu in a more constructive manner, as a forum that will
fulfill its mission to be educative and informative to all the sections
of the Hindu community from around the world.

On my part, I promise to provide indexing to the SRH archives in the 
coming days.  In fact, we do have a priliminary version of the SRH 
archives that are indexed and searchable, however, this version only
scans through the header index.  Once the installation testing is done,
you will have an opportunity to beta test it, and provide your input.
In the future, we will expand the search to full text of the articles.

We are also working on getting several introductory books on Hindu 
dharma on-line, watch for this development on GHEN's Hindu Universe.

Once again, welcome to SRH - 1996!


Ajay Shah
Moderator, Soc.Religion.Hindu

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