Re: RFD: soc.religion.hindu-reorganization (Was: Re: SRH: Imp...)
In the article <4dp4c6$ba5@larry.rice.edu>,
of 19 Jan 1996 22:01:42 UTC,
vivek@cs.rice.edu (Vivek Sadananda Pai) wrote:
> This minor thread started when Jai clipped a small portion of an
> exchange and tried to put his own spin on it. The exchange was
> about the proper way to receive the Gayatri Mantra. I was rather
> disappointed that Jai intentionally took the exchange out of
> context and tried to put an evil slant to it, . . .
What "evil slant"? The article is repeated below. In it, one
observes an attempt at supression of free expression in a language
newsgroup in which Mani Varadarajan's post appeared. I have noted
that Prakash Chand never returned to the newsgroup, perhaps feeling
quite intimidated:
: From: jai@mantra.com (Dr. Jai Maharaj)
: Newsgroups: soc.religion.hindu
: Subject: Re: Is Improvement of Hindu Newsgroups the Goal?
: Date: 16 Jan 1996 02:35:49 UTC
: Message-ID: <4df2u5$69s@babbage.ece.uc.edu>
: In the article <4d4hpn$6jb@babbage.ece.uc.edu>,
: of 12 Jan 1996 02:41:59 UTC,
: vri@tiac.net (Arun Malik) wrote:
:> [...] It is not acceptable that discussion of Hinduism be
:> controlled by Vaishnavas. It would be as if all Christian
:> newsgroups were controlled by Mormons. - Arun Malik
: The above sentiment is quite understandable in light of
: instances such as the following statement posted by one of the
: moderation maintainers for the "soc.religion.vaishnava
: (moderated)" group. In this post, public discussion of Mantr(as)
: is being suppressed:
:=== Statement by mani@srirangam.esd.sgi.com (Mani Varadarajan) ===
:[ From: mani@srirangam.esd.sgi.com (Mani Varadarajan) ]
:[ Newsgroups: alt.meditation, and others ]
:[ Message-ID: <MANI.96Jan9161110@srirangam.esd.sgi.com> ]
:[ Date: 10 Jan 1996 00:11:10 UTC ]
:: In article <4cun0u$29i@hpscit.sc.hp.com> prakash@scd.hp.com
:: (Prakash Chand) writes:
::>> Here's what I know:
::>> "Om Bhurbhuva Swaha Tatsavetur Varenium
::>> Bhargo Devasya Dhi Mahi Dhio Yo Na Prachodayat"
::> There are several major errors here. This is one reason why the
::> Gayatri, or any sacred mantra for that matter, should only be
::> communicated personally. . . . Mani
::> - mani@srirangam.esd.sgi.com (Mani Varadarajan)
:=== End of Statement by Mani Varadarajan ===
Jai Maharaj <jai@eskimo.com> *-=Om Shanti=-*