
Re: Origin of well-known quote?

In article <4duep2$gim@babbage.ece.uc.edu>,
Matt Stanley <ms018c@uhura.cc.rochester.edu> wrote:
>Hello all-
>	I'm looking for the source of a fairly well known quote that is
>usually attributed to "Ancient Hindu Scripture":
>	"I have become Death, destroyer of worlds"
>	Robert Oppenheimer allegedly said this at the Trinity test of teh
>atomic bomb.  I've also seen it start with " I am become Death..."
>	Does anyone know the origin of this passage?
>				Matt Stanley
>				ms018c@uhura.cc.rochester.edu

	Howdy !

	Its from Bhagavad Gita - Sri Krishna utters these words.
	sorry, dunno which chapter.


Badarinath Devalla                 Graduate Student
415-E College Main                 Dept. of Computer Science
College Station TX 77840           Texas A&M University
(409) 846-2416                     (409) 845-8752
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