
Re : Rama does eat meat

With reference ot Prawien's posting...

> >> >> > >>Even in the Ramayana, Rama is described as eating meat.
> Maybe you could type-over the untranslated sentence or the word that has
> been translated by 'meat' ... Because I have this book (I know,
> I'm searching the whole house right now!) which tells us that some
> writers translate 'this' word by 'meat' however it means somehting
> else, or at least in some context...ok, this is all not very detailed,
> but I'm hoping somebody knows what I'm talking about and give me a hand
> here!...I don't remember this word right now, nor do I understand a
> single word Sanskrit..But surely SOMEONE knows what this word is ?!

Once again, I refer to the Sundara Kanda, the 36th Sarga, 41st Sloka,
which starts with, " Na Maamsam Raghava...". The translation of the first
three words is--
Na - "NO"
Maamsam - "MEAT"
Raghava - Reference to Rama.

I'm sorry, but I cannot be more explicit as I do not have the Raamaayana
with me right now.


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