
Re: hindu calendar ??

In the article <4dqdd3$gqs@newsbf02.news.aol.com>,
of 20 Jan 1996 04:41:55 -0500,
naveenm@aol.com (NaveenM) wrote:
> i'm looking for a web site which would have hindu calendar on it
> ... current year and possibly and conversion table/program from
> hindu calendar to gregorian calendar, list of holidays would be
> helpful too.

There is an inexpensive commercial program which calculates the
Tithi(s), festival dates, etc., as well as many Jyotish charts and
tables.  Please let me know if more information is required.  If
the reference is to the "National Calendar" which uses the Shaka
Era, then the following conversions apply:

Shaka Year = Gregorian Year C.E. minus 78  (March - December)
Shaka Year = Gregorian Year C.E. minus 79  (January - March)

The months, their duration and starting dates in the Gregorian
Calendar are listed below:

=== National Calendar of Bharat =========
Serial             Duration  Begins on
Number  Name       Days      Gregorian
===================== Leap ===== Leap ===
  1     Chaitr     30 31     March 21 22   When divided by 4
  2     Vaishaakh  31        April 21      National Calendar
  3     Jyaeshtth  31        May 22        leap years leave a
  4     Ashadh     31        June 22       remainder of 2
  5     Shraavan   31        July 23
  6     Bhadra     31        August 23
  7     Ashwin     30        September 23
  8     Krittik    30        October 23
  9     Agrahayan  30        November 22
 10     Paush      30        December 22
 11     Maagh      30        January 21
 12     Phalgun    30        February 20

Please feel free to report errors.

 Jai Maharaj <jai@eskimo.com>           Jyotishi, Vedic Astrologer
%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:% *-=Om Shanti=-* %:%:%

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