
Re: Shinto beliefs and Hinduism

M.Ranganathan (ranga@cs.umd.edu) wrote:

: I visited Japan once some years ago and I walked into several Shinto
: temples. I was struck by a similarity between Shinto rituals (at least
: in the temples I visited) and Hindu rituals (for example ringing
: the bell as one enters the temple). Is this similarity merely co-incidental 
: or is there some basic connection between the Dharma and Shintoism?
: What are the "basic beliefs" of Shintoism ? Is it a polytheistic religion ?
: What is the relationship between Shintoism and Budhism ? What percentage
: of Japan in Shinto/Budhist/Christian ?

Wow, which Shinto temples did you visit?  By the way, Shinto 'temples' are
usually considered shrines.  Most of the shrines I went to didn't have
bells.  Bells are far more common in Buddhist temples.  Maybe you have
these two mixed up.

I don't have any percentage data at my fingertips but I believe that the
percentage of Christians in Japan is less than 1%.

: Thanks/ Dhanyavad / Domo harigato (hope I got that one) for your replies.
{Domou Arigatou.  Close enough in pronunciation.}

: Ranga.
: -- 

		Chuck Douglas  -- chuckers@prairienet.org 
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