Re: Re : Rama does eat meat
In article <4e16pu$m38@babbage.ece.uc.edu>,
Sankar Jayanarayanan <kartik@Eng.Auburn.EDU> wrote:
>With reference ot Prawien's posting...
>> >> >> > >>Even in the Ramayana, Rama is described as eating meat.
>> Maybe you could type-over the untranslated sentence or the word that has
>> been translated by 'meat' ... Because I have this book (I know,
>> I'm searching the whole house right now!) which tells us that some
>> writers translate 'this' word by 'meat' however it means somehting
>> else, or at least in some context...ok, this is all not very detailed,
>> but I'm hoping somebody knows what I'm talking about and give me a hand
>> here!...I don't remember this word right now, nor do I understand a
>> single word Sanskrit..But surely SOMEONE knows what this word is ?!
>Once again, I refer to the Sundara Kanda, the 36th Sarga, 41st Sloka,
>which starts with, " Na Maamsam Raghava...". The translation of the first
>three words is--
>Na - "NO"
>Maamsam - "MEAT"
>Raghava - Reference to Rama.
>I'm sorry, but I cannot be more explicit as I do not have the Raamaayana
>with me right now.
Hmmmm, here's what I found in Sri K.R. Srinivasa Iyengar's
translation of "sundara kAnda". This transaltion is entitled
"The Epic Beautiful" and here's the 41st sloka of 36th sarga
Actually, sloka #1523 os sundara kAnda :
"Rama NOW feeds on neither meat nor fruit,
and he has no use for honey;
he lives on austerely cooked roots, eating
once daily, in the evenings"
The context here is of Hanuman finding Sita in the Asoka vana,
identifying himself and this is a part of the ensuing dialog
wherein he tell her what Rama is upto.
One should not use this sloka to decide whether Rama ate meat
or not. In fact, it is mighty clear that Rama kinda gave up
meat stricken with the pangs of seperation from his beloved wife.
anyway, hope that helps
Badarinath Devalla Graduate Student
415-E College Main Dept. of Computer Science
College Station TX 77840 Texas A&M University
(409) 846-2416 (409) 845-8752
badari@cs.tamu.edu URL : www.cs.tamu.edu/people/badari