
Re: Sai Baba Exposed

On 22 Jan 1996 23:13:56 GMT, mpt@mail.utexas.edu (michael tandy) wrote
in soc.religion.hindu:

>In article <4dngh0$q8g@babbage.ece.uc.edu>, pggopal@computer.net says:
>>I think Hindus should wake up and protest bigoted attacks from whatever 
>>quarter. Whether they be Pat Robertson, who calls Hinduism a demonic 
>>religion or are someone trying to typecast what I and my forebears have 
>>believed in as being something inferior to their beliefs.
>	It isn't beyond the realm of possibility that Sai Baba is 
>	indeed a fraud, although this fact does not say that I personally
>	think he is. There are, however, many who believe that Sai Baba
>	is but an Indian version of Pat Robertson, Robert Tilton, or 
>	other televangelists that are regarded by many as crooks. I
>	haven't read the posting you are responding to, but it seems
>	to me that you are postulating that such criticism of Sai Baba is
>	necessarily based on bigotry. Forgive me if I'm wrong.

First, it helps to have read all the posts in the thread, especially
the initial post, which was bigoted, ie it assumed he was a fraud
prior to seeing any evidence one way or the other.

Second, I think India needs more "frauds" who build schools and
hospitals that provide services free of charge.



"The ego arises from the mistaken notion that the light of consciousness
reflected in the intellect and coloured by objectively perceived phenomena
is the true nature of the Self.  Thus, the personal ego falsely identifies
the Self with that which is not the Self and vice versa." - Mark Dyczkowski

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