
Re: Religious unity and the word Hindu

Rajwinder Singh (rajwi@bu.edu) wrote:
: revisionism and denial. It does not behoove the learned readers
: of s.r.hinduism to superficially interpret Sikhism. 

Yes, only Sikhs should know Sikhism ....... so please have the decency to 
stop using the word "idol".  You lose so much credibility with me, 
everytime I hear that arrogance from you.  If you can't see Krsna in the 
temple Deities, fine ... but have some manners about it!

Listening to this 'idol' talk, I have to keep reminding myself that 
Caitanya sang hymns and danced with Guru Nanak; otherwise I would yield 
to my first instinct, which is to write you off completely and question 
whether you do indeed worship the syama-coloured Sri Krsna.

I don't expect you to worship the Deities,  but I would expect a little 
more class in the way that you do not worship Them.

THE RADMAN . . . . . . . . . Gary Stevason .... www.bhi90210.com/Athens/2108
"Abandon all varieties of religion and just surrender unto Me.  I shall
deliver you from all sinful reaction.  Do not fear."  --  God, Bhagavad-gita

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