
Re: Eternal Individual Existence Is A Fact

Vijay Sadananda Pai (vijaypai@mandolin.rice.edu) wrote:

: They might not use the name Krishna as often, but it is assured that they
: do speak of Krishna in the BG 15.15 -- vedaish ca sarvair aham vedyo
: (By all the Vedas, I [Krishna] am to be known)

Dear Vijayji:

I do not agree that vedya means "to be known" since I think that it means 
"knowable". I would accept that interpretation if you can establish your 
claim from the Suktas of the RigVeda, otherwise, I will go by the symbolic 
meaning; that is, Sri Krishna indicating that all Vedas in the ultimate 
sense is trying to describe Him, in that sense, He is the "knowable". 

With best regards,


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