
Re: Peaceful compromise on the Horizon (Where is the compromise!)

GOPAL  Ganapathiraju Sree Ramana (gopal@ecf.toronto.edu) wrote:

<Deleted for brevity>
: ====================================================
: What is your concept of compromise? 

: When Mani V made a compromise proposal you asked: 
: "where is the compromise?"

: now see where the compromise is from the proponents
: (i mean, if the proposal meets approval from everyone)
: (1) ajay shah can  join as moderator (a conceding point
: w.r.t. RFD. (2) second *moderated* info group is dropped
: (3) even an unmoderated  info group opposed by  Jai M is 
: is not envisaged (4) 2 of the moderators can now be picked 
: up by ajay shah, so arun malik's apprehension that ajay might
: be removed by the other moderators is set to rest 

: What you need to concede are (1) separation of articles
: based on the focus of the articles. if the focus of article 
: is about hindu dharma, sastras, spiritualism etc they go
: to srh, else to talk group. (2) multiple moderators.

: please remember that you had supported the idea of multiple
: moderators as well as separation of articles, earlier,
: after a prolonged discussion.

1. I am not averse to a talk group. But that 
   should not imply that we actually filter
   articles, on the basis that they have a
   mixture of religion and politics. Caste
   is religion and politics. Cow killing/
   saving is religion and politics. The 
   advice of Krsna to Arjun to raise the arm
   is politics as well as religion. If you
   start separating these issues, then IMO
   you do the following (knowingly or unknow-

 a) Reduce the comprehensive nature of Hindu
    thought, by making it just one more
    version of theology.
 b) Reduce the 'real' element in Hindu thought
    since, you know what to achieve (social
    justice, nirvaana, ..) but refuse to talk
    about as to "how" to achieve it. 
    The above two points, IMO are very important.
    A religion, which just tells me as to what 
    is good/bad, and refuses to tell me as to
    how to achieve it, is a pretty useless one.
    I do not want my religion to be a useless 
    one. All the religions, (semitic as well as
    Indic) have an elements of religion, state
    craft, jurisprudence ... in them. And it is
    for this important reason, that they capture
    the imagination of its followers. Take the 
    issue of abortion. The faithful Christians,
    have very strong opinions about it. And it
    comes from religion. And there opinions are
    visible in politics. Take Gandhi. His entire
    political thought was driven by a very strong
    belief in Ram-Rajya and Ahimsa. 

    So to argue that a religion group is not good enuf 
    for articles that dabble with religion and 
    politics, is NOT a good idea. I cannot compromise
    on that issue. The very idea strikes at the
    comphrensiveness of my thought pattern. It 
    reduces the grandness of my religion. In 
    fact, this is THE MOST important implication,
    of the proposed re-org, that I object to.
    Ajay Shah, et al. though important, are
    secondary issues, in that sense.   

Nachiketa Tiwari

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