
Re: SRH: Umpteen complaints about existing moderation policy

Yes, lets go over these complaints.

The first is a complaint over an article rejected from alt.hindu, not

The second isn't a complaint at all, but a question over what types of
articles should be accepted/rejected by the moderator.  Again based on
alt.hindu, not SRH.

The third and fourth are about an improperly formatted article.  Is
one improperly formatted article  sufficient reason to reorganize an
entire heirarchy?

The fifth is about the relevance of an article titled:

>Subject: Re: ANNOUNCEMENT: The Physical Immortality Project

Of course you didn't bother quoting Ajay Shah's response giving his
reasons why he allowed that post.  

The sixth and seventh are about an article from a person  seeking
information in an attempt to discredit someone she considers to be a
Hindu cult leader.  It was tactless.  But to refuse to post it would
be censorship based on content - there were no profanities, it was
properly formatted, AND it was asking about a Hindu religous leader
and is therefore on topic for this newsgroup.

The eighth was complaining about a thread I started in order to refute
statements made by Vivek Pai.  And ever since I posted my 1300 line
rebuttal, Vivek has stopped repeating those charges, and so the thread
has died.

>Subject: Re: I am NOT a Nazi  . . . Sigh

The ninth was a complaint about articles appearing out of order.  I
have a threaded newsreader that takes care of problems such as this
which are endemic to Usenet newsgroups.  It is scarcely sufficient
reason to reorganize SRH.

And the last complaint was NOT against Ajay Shah at all - but simply
informing someone that their article "may be viewed as a personal
attack" - note the word MAY.  

Of your 10 examples, one article should have been re-formatted and one
article rejected (listed below):

>Subject: Re: ANNOUNCEMENT: The Physical Immortality Project

However, I appreciate the fact that Ajay Shah believes in being
*inclusive* and bends over backward not to censor articles.

And if that's the worst you can dredge up against Ajay Shah's
moderation policies, then there is NO REASON whatsoever to reorganize

Arun Malik

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