
Re: RFD: soc.religion.hindu-reorganization (Was: Re: Peaceful...)

In the article <4e8vd4$oas@babbage.ece.uc.edu>,
of 25 Jan 1996 22:15:00 UTC,
gopal@ecf.toronto.edu (GOPAL  Ganapathiraju Sree Ramana) inquired:
> . . . What is your concept of compromise? 

With respect to the present forced attempt to disrupt
soc.religion.hindu the recommended compromise is to withdraw the
RFD.  Aggressors and destablizers must retreat unconditionally and
peacefully from the reorganization tactic.

After all, it has been shown repeatedly that the attempt is only an
act of revenge against the present moderator because he was opposed
to the creation of the "soc.religion.vaishnava" newsgroup, instead
recommending the name "soc.religion.hindu.vaishnava".

 Jai Maharaj <jai@eskimo.com>                      *-=Om Shanti=-*

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