

> Hello!
> I am a student researching on the subject of 'pilgrimage' as viewed by 
> the various religions. I am having difficulty getting info on the 
> phenomena of pilgrimage in Hinduism. I would greatly appreciate a 
> positive response to the following questions:
>         1 what is the religious significance of the pilgrimage

To develop religious fervour in yourself. 
But I've heard this quote-
" God, thou art Omnipresent, but forgive me for seeking you only on pilgrimage 

>         2 what is the historical background

In India, people understand that if a saint resides at a place, the place 
becomes sacred. For instance, Buddha said," The place where I was born(Lumbini),
the place where I attained enlightenment(Bodh Gaya)...are worthy pilgrimage

>         3 who goes on the pilgrimage and why

I think this is only very slightly different from 1. Anyway, this is to have the
company of holy people...people who're like-minded can come together. 
For example, if I want to study physics, I would like the company of a 

>         4 what are the criteria for going on such pilgrimage

sorry..I don't understand this question...but I'll make an attempt-
1) For purity of the mind
2) To develop the feeling of "close-ness" with God.
3) Sometimes, people pray to God saying that if such and such thing comes out
   okay, they'll pay him a visit ! ...:-)

>         5 how do modern Hindus view pilgrimage today?

I go to Thirupati ever so often to develop faith in the Lord...and also 
for making my prayers turn out true...(see 3) above)...:-)

My father went somewhere(God knows where exactly) to "give up" eating some
of his choice eatables(like apple, some vegetable,etc.)...this he thought
was a step towards renunciation...:-) But in many places, I've read that such
renunciation may not work. If renunciation comes, it comes in a flash...
like when a fruit becomes ripe, it falls down by itself...

I don't know about other people.

> Thanking you in advance for your kind assistance.

hope it helped...

> Yours truly,
> Sharon Holmes.

Sincerely Yours,

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