
We're Looking for Stories!

Dear Friends:

Can you help us?

My wife and I are working on a book to be entitled: "Higher Callings: Inspiration for Life's Challenges from the World's Great Moral Traditions," to be published in late 1996 by Fireside (a division of Simon & Schuster).

But the stories will come from contemporary, everyday life. We're looking for anecdotes and stories about how these ancient moral teachings still provide guidance and wisdom today.

We're looking for stories -- around 500 words long. If you have one to tell, please e-mail it to us. (Names can be changed to protect privacy.) If we use your story, we'll include your name at the back of the book.

Or perhaps you can guide us to where we might find such stories.

Here are the sections for which we need stories:

1. Treasuring Children—and Parents—in a Busy World
2. Marriage: For Better or Worse
5. Making a Difference: The Value of Work
7. Opening Doors: The Joys of Hospitality
8. Service: The Gift That Enriches the Giver
9. Holding the Trust: Citizenship and Public Service
10. Making Peace
11. Nature and the Environment: Loving Your Mother
15. Seize the Day: Using Time Wisely
16. Respecting Our Elders in a Youth-Oriented Culture
17. In My End Is My Beginning: The Meaning of Death
18. For Our Children’s Children: Working for Posterity

If you have questions, just ask! We can send you a sample story if that 
would help. Thanks.

Greg & Suzanne Wolfe

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