
Re: Re : Erwin Schroedinger and Hinduism

Rajan P. Parrikar (parrikar@spot.Colorado.EDU) wrote:
: In article <4dnfue$q6c@babbage.ece.uc.edu>,
: Sankar Jayanarayanan  <kartik@eng.auburn.edu> wrote:
: >>>late 1920s or early 1930s ). Schroedinger ALWAYS considered himself a Hindu.
: > > As an aside, other than the demonstration of the universality of Vedantic 
: > > ideas, I don't attach much importance to merely the fact that some Westerner 
: > > (however accomplished or well-known) gave them his or her stamp of 
: > > approval.
: > > 
: > I don't believe that the Vedanta philosophy is universal. Buddha, for example,
: > rejected the Vedas completely.
: Of course I didn't mean 'universal` as in "The laws of physics are
: universal" or as in "universal acceptance." If the phraseology bothers
: you just read it as: "...demonstration of the appeal of Vedantic ideas..."

The truth is one, every religion accepts that, but each of them adds
an ethinical or personalised dimension to it, so it looks different
as we look different. If the truth is one, it has to be universal
and cannot vary from one religion to another, so Vedanta is universal
as it explains/contains all religions. 



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