
Re: Sri Ram Swarup's article in Hinduism Today

SV Singam (vijia@pop.jaring.my) wrote:

: One of the most wonderful aspects of Sanatana Dharma, commonly known
: as Hinduism, is that there is no single formula that everyone is
: expected to swallow without exception. There is room for understanding
: and belief at whatever level of intellect or realisation a person has
: attained.

: Peace and blessings.

Dear Sri Singam:

Thank you for your post.  I agree in principle that Hinduism has 
an eclectic approach.  However, the purpose of my post was to object to the 
wrongful use of the verses that actually do not say things that Sri Swarup 
was trying to establish.  I would not object to such an analysis if it is 
based on supportive literature.

Sri Krishna described your points in the SBG very eloquently.  For 
example, I refer you to 9:15

JnAnayajnena chApyante yajanto mAmupasate
ekatvena prithakatvena vahudhA vishvatomukham.

This verse gives the various views of Godhead in Hinduism. This should be 
the verse to project the idea of many ways in Hinduism, not the RigVedic 
verse "ekam sad viprA vahudhA vadanti" that Sri Swarup used, which gives 
only one view.

With best regards,


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