
Re: SRH: Umpteen complaints about existing moderation policy

N. Tiwari (ntiwari@rs3.esm.vt.edu) wrote:
: GOPAL  Ganapathiraju Sree Ramana (gopal@ecf.toronto.edu) wrote:
: : Here are some complaints against the present moderation.
: : [i *definitely* know that there more complaints than what
: : i am presenting in this post]
: : grounds for complaints include (1) rejection of appropriate
: : posts, (2) acceptance of posts dealing with politics (3) 
: : acceptance of posts that directly attack god-men of hindu 
: : fold without any substantive reasoning, (4) improper formatting
: : of articles that make the articles 'illegible' (5)articles
: : with  personal attacks etc. While it is imperative that the
: : posters should desist from making personal attacks, it also
: : the responsibility of moderator not to accept such posts, so
: : that is how Dhrubaji's advice to a poster to desist from 
: : personal attacks also got included here.
: : Summary: The charter for moderation *needs* to be revised.
: : and that is what RFD attempts.
: My response:
: 1. I do not know anything about the Shiv-Purana episode. So
:    I cannot comment on it. Further, it was on alt.hindu.
: 2. Reg. poorly formatted article, I agree. I think we should
:    decide on a format, and stick to it. No problem.

I do agree that we should have a specified format. Some times,
artcles, after a few followup replies becomes unreadable or
quite messy.

: 3. Reg. the Nazi thing, look who all were participating in the
:    debate. However, let us leave that. But did'nt you see that
:    the thread actually stopped. So, the moderator can be advised
:    reg. the relevance of the thread. Initially, the thread was
:    there, since it had to do with the re-org. stuff. Later, it
:    became a debate as to who was a Nazi, and was rightfully 
:    stopped (by the moderators or/and the people involved). 

This kind of posting could be screened out. Anyway, seeing the
title, I skipped that thread, so I am not in a position to 
comment on the content. However I would opine that if
the title was appropriate to its contents, it should not 
have appeared in SRH. 



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