Re: questions
Pradip Gangopadhyay (pradip@lism.usc.edu) wrote:
: Dear Dhrubababu:
: By "compact mass" you mean that at time t=0 there is a singularity. A
: singularity can not be defined and is actually a problem with the theory. The
: density is infinite at the beginning!! A theory that predicts an infinite
: density just can not be right. I have attended lectures on this issue by John
: Dobson who has asked the Cambridge University Professor Steven Hawking about
: it. Dobson is an astronomer famous for inventing the Dobson mount for
: telescopes and is the founder of the "Sidewalk Astronomers". Dobson said that
: he asked Prof Hawking how everything can come out of nothing as suggested by
: the Big Bang theory. Hawking said that this is the current conclusion of
: science. Actually Hawking thinks that the singularity will go away if the
: quantum theory of gravity is used. In his best seller "The beginning of Time"
: he postulates a universe that has no beginning and no end. This is clearly
: different from the Big Bang Theory and closer to Hindu philosophy. Hindu
: philosophy says that the Universe may be thought of as a transformation of a
: small part of Brahman. This seems to me to be transformation and not creation
: from nothing as suggested by the big bang theory.
You made two points:
1. According to Hinduism, the universe is without beginning and also
without an end.
2. Since Universe has always been there (acc. to Hinduism), the prob
lem of singularity is solved/avoided.
I am no expert in affairs of religion and science. But I will like to
draw your attention to the follwing:
a) The Nasadeeya Sookta in RgVeda. It approx. says: In the beginning,
there was nothing. No akaasha, no antariksha, no time, no primal
water. Darkness covered darkness. Everything was unknown, and
undivided....... And how did this universe came into being from that
state? Perhaps the Lord knows it all. And perhpas even the Lord
does not know know.
b) It is said that at the end of each era, there is a pralaya.
Everything dissolves. And then a new universe is born. Totally
independent of the ones which existed earlier.
I am curious as to what do you think of these ideas in the Indian
thought, and how do these ideas fit into your passage which I have
quoted above.
Nachiketa Tiwari
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