Re: Hinduism: does it explain sufferings?
Let me see if i can explain this.
Yes life is cyclic but the misunderstanding is that it is not cyclic forever. In Hindu Philosophy, life will
remain cyclic as long as YOU (the soul) has not reached spiritual perfection. The good and the bad
events created by a soul is what constitutes Karma. When I say event it even includes thoughts and
actions that have direct impact on the souls. As long as there are residual bad events in one life there is
a requirement to perfect it in the next. Only when all is achieved the soul comes to point to receive
moksha. At this point then the cyclic nature of requiring a shell for the soul will cease to exist. The soul
then ascends to the next plane which the DEVA plane or demi-god stage, like Indran. At this level the
soul is god-like but not god. No one can be God but the soul can merge with him in the final stage.
I hope this explains at least some part.