
Re: RFD For Soc.Religion.Hindu Reorganization


I probably should just shut-up and let you guys handle it, but I got into 
both SRH and SRV through a hack and enjoy them both.  I simply do not 
think there is enough demand to warrent s.r.shaivism et al.  There may be 
enough demand to warrent s.r.vedanta and/or s.r.yoga.

I agree with RB in saying it would duplicate efforts by creating multiple 
groups.  SRV deals much more with the scriptures and with the avatars 
than SRH.  Not that SRH couldn't deal with - surly there ample 
bandwidth.  (In fact I've been working on getting one of my groups to 
under 2000 messages that gets between fifty and one-hundred new message a 
day.  Actually no, I'm not a net junkie - I simply have an exess of time.)

If a vote were put for SRS, SRA, SRVe, SRY, SRB, or any other groups (or 
for that matter SRHVa, SRHS, SRHA, SRHVe, SRHY, SRHB), I do not doubts that 
most of them would pass, but how much detail do you want.  I futher think it 
may appear over-whelming to eastern religion students and people 
"investigating" Hinduism.  I recent saw a posting for a sanskrit group - 
I seriously wonder how many posts to they get.

Further look at Christianisty; in the US there are eight to twelve 
dominant denominations all saying different versions of the same thing.  I 
know that Hinduism has a similar or worse structure, but since there are 
fewer observants here, there should also be few variants.  (E.G. less 
people, less groups)


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