
US Divorce Court Discriminates Hindu Woman on basis of her faith

	Following is a case of blatant discrimination against a Hindu
woman on account of her being a minority in this country. Please respond
with a strong voice.

Shakuntala Palit

US Justice System Discriminates Against Hindu 
Divorcee on basis of her being a Hindu 
      Mrs. Sumita Sengupta Dosamantes is a young woman who has been
 treated unfairly in the justice system.  She is a Hindu-American
 woman who has been married for about 11 and a half years to David
 Dosamantes, a white American Jew.  They have two children, a son
 aged 7 and a half and a daughter aged 4 and a half.  After a stormy
 marriage of emotional abuse and infidelity on the part of the
 husband, he served Sumita with divorce papers in the Spring of this
 year. Sumita and David are now legally separated.  A legal battle
 has ensued, over the division of marital assets and the custody of
 the children. David has taken all of the marital assets (which were
 given to the couple by Sumita's parents) and has been granted
 complete temporary custody of the children, with Sumita paying $600
 per month in child support.  The judgement against Sumita was
 based, officially, on "unavailability" of the mother, as she was
 working full-time as a teacher and studying in the evenings for two
 Master's degrees.  She has since received these degrees, and
 continues to teach young children.
*************  (Case of Religious Discrimination)
				However, her husband cites a
 number of derogatory references to her faith as a Hindu in the
 legal documentation.  These include the fact that she has "sixteen
 idols around the apartment that she 'forces' the children to
 worship," that she "smears turmeric on their foreheads," and that
 on one occasion she took her son to the temple late in the evening,
 causing him to miss a full night's sleep.  Imagine the distortions
 of truth that could be said in return about the Jewish faith, or
 any other religion, for that matter!  
      Sumita is fighting very hard to have her children returned to
 her care.  At a community meeting on this issue held in Long Island
 on October 29, 1995, there was not a dry eye in the place as she
 told of how she has been separated from them, how when she gets
 them on a Friday, they are unkempt and dressed, in her words, as
 "street children," how her son has said that he does not want to
 live this way, and so on.  Sumita is an exemplary member of
 American society who votes and pays taxes and has worked hard to
 improve the status of her family.  There is no reason for her
 having lost custody of her children, except for her naive belief
 in the justice of the legal system.  The repeated derogatory
 references to Hindu religious practices are not to be taken
 lightly, and should be criticized vocally.  I think that our
 community must show strong support for her cause.
      There are many ways to demonstrate our support for Sumita
 Dosamantes' plight.  At a recent community meeting, many students came
 up with ideas for legal representation through activist
 organizations, which have been passed on to her and her family.  The
 community agreed to circulate a petition of support and send it. 
 Please sign the petition, if you believe in this cause.  Those who
 wish to contribute monetarily towards the legal costs may send a
 check made out to Sumita Sengupta Dosamantes, to:(Sumita Fund)
                Sumita Dosamantes
                80-11 164th Street
                Suite 148
                Hillcrest, NY 11432
 Perhaps the most important thing that we can do is to make others in the 
 Hindu-American community professionals,students, women,aware of what has
 gone on and encourage them to sign the petition or send letters of
 support or monetary support to the above address.  Thank you for
 your help with this important community issue.
 Attached is a copy of the petition:
 To whom it may concern:
      We the undersigned, who are active participants, students,
 professionals, community members, residents, in the United States
 in which Mrs. Sumita Dosamantes resides or works, are of the firm
 conviction that Mrs. Dosamantes(aka Mimi) should not be denied
 temporary and permanent custody of her two young children. It is
 too traumatic for young children to be separated from their mother
 and is equally more of a torture for a loving mother to be
 separated from her children. A mother should not be denied
 temporary and permanent custody of her children, when she is a fit
 parent who has no prior criminal record and is an outstanding
 member of society.
      Mrs. Dosamantes is a fit parent and a primary caretaker of her
 children. Hence, we are making an earnest appeal that Mrs.
 Dosamantes be granted temporary and permanent custody of her two
 young children. We support Mrs. Dosamantes wholeheartedly.
          Shakuntala Palit
 Please feel free to distribute this letter as necessary
 Name:                                             Date:
 Signature:(email address)

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