
Re: Administrivia: Several Alt.Hindu Articles Posted to SRH

In article <4cgesj$k58@babbage.ece.uc.edu> you write:
>For those maintaining statistics on SRH submission vs. posting dates, please

I don't know anyone who is maintaing statistics on submission versus
posting dates, since that information has generally not been

>note that articles such as these, that require manual forwardiing and
>newsgroup line changes etc. will lead to skewed statistics as in past :-)

The smiley-face is appropriate, since the claim of skewed statistics
is a humorous one, no doubt.

In any case, in another post, I've addressed the issue of how the SRH
Stats page was generated, so that should clear up any issue about
how the numbers were generated.

For the record, the amount of time the moderator "sits on" a post is
not recorded - the only thing recorded has been the gaps between
the times the moderator approves messages to SRH.

(submitted around Thu Jan  4 13:50:05 CST 1996)

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