Re: Help with hospital chaplaincy for Hindus
MEliyahu (meliyahu@aol.com) wrote:
: Hello,
: I am helping a hospital chaplain set up a chaplaincy program for
: a new hospital. Most institutions are lacking in their ability
: to serve non-Christians. We would like to provide services for
: all religions on an equal basis.
: If anyone has suggestions in general or can help with the following
: topics we would appreciate any help you can offer.
: Thank you for your kind attention.
: 1. Ritual items to be provided by the institution
: 2. Reading materials to be provided by the institution
: 3. Information on holidays
: 4. Special customs
: 5. Life cycle ceremonies
: 6. Prayers appropriate to an instutionalized person.
: Any information on these topics or any others will be gratefully
: received.
: Best regards,
Your best bet would be to approach Hindu temples in your town - I'm sure
the priest would be willing to help
Harish Dave
: --
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