Re: questions
Ken Stuart (kstuart@snowcrest.net) wrote:
: On 4 Jan 1996 11:28:28 GMT, ntiwari@rs3.esm.vt.edu (N. Tiwari) wrote
: in soc.religion.hindu:
: >The Nasadeeya Sookta in RgVeda. It approx. says: In the beginning,
: > there was nothing. No akaasha, no antariksha, no time
: I'd be VERY surprised if the RgVeda said anything as silly as:
: "In the beginning, there was no time." :-) :-)
: Cheers,
: Ken
: kstuart@snowcrest.net
Dear Kenji:
Time is only a measurement, when there was no universe, simply the
"inert" Brahman (Asat), neither time nor space nor mass can exist. They
are simply measurement parameters, that means, if you do not have
anything to measure, these parameters are meaningless.
With best regards,