
Re: Why I support soc.religion.hindu: Reorganisation

On 4 Jan 1996 11:20:20 GMT, vidynath@math.ohio-state.edu (Vidhyanath
K. Rao) wrote in soc.religion.hindu:

>In article <4cdeis$de0@babbage.ece.uc.edu>,
>GOPAL  Ganapathiraju Sree Ramana <gopal@ecf.toronto.edu> wrote:
>>"How can non-hindus submit RFD for srh-reorg"
>[and argues that this is inappropriate.]
>The point is that Mani Varadarajan, S. Rao and the Pais argued that
>`Hindu' is an ethnic term and does not refer to a religion. Worse,
>one of the Pais supported the claim that `Hinduness' has something to
>do with physical appearance. The question is how come they are talking
>about soc.RELIGION.hinduism?

So that people know where to post their questions about turtles!  :--)
:-) :-)




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