
Re: turtle

W Somsel (wsomsel@aol.com) wrote:
: I read that to Hindus, turtles are one of the 10 incarnations of Vishnu,
: can anyone tell me more about this?

Dear Larisa,

Oh my, suddenly I remember that I told you the wrong story.

Vishnu, Krishna actually became a giant fish to save the Holy Books in the
flood. He swam on top of the waves to keep the Books dry. Please forgive
me, and now let me tell you how God became the greatest turtle the world
has ever known!    He is called Lord Tortoise,  Kurma      (said Koorma). 

It all happened a long long time ago, far far away, near the ocean that 
is filled with milk, instead of water.  There, the good guys and the bad 
guys stopped quarreling  because they wanted to stir the big ocean, and
make a wonderful drink called 'nectar'.

To stir such a big ocean, they would use the big mountain, Mandara
Mountain. But they needed something to sit one end of the heavy mountain
on, so they could turn it around and around and around in the milk.

God, Krishna kindly became a gigantic tortoise and floated in the middle 
of the ocean of milk.  Now the heavy mountain could be rested on His back, 
while together everyone stirred the milk.

Krishna was sleepy and His back was a little itchy.  But the mountain nicely
scratched His back for Him.  So both the good guys and the bad guys were
able to please itchy Krishna!       :-)

Soon wonderful delicious nectar was there for everyone to enjoy.   :-P

Who knows what can happen when the good guys and bad guys get together to 
stir that ocean of milk?  In fact, one day Krishna Himself appeared out of 
the spinning ocean, as the famous shining Dhanvantari, with a large, large 
jug of nectar!  

But that's another story ...........


THE RADMAN . . . . . . . . . Gary Stevason .... www.bhi90210.com/Athens/2108
"Abandon all varieties of religion and just surrender unto Me.  I shall
deliver you from all sinful reaction.  Do not fear."  --  God, Bhagavad-gita

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