
Re: Siva as yogi?

On Fri, 5 Jan 1996, H. Krishna Susarla wrote:

> Yes, that has been my experience as well. But the HSC (Hindu Students
> Council) has links to Jain Dharma and Buddha Dharma from their home page.
> The implication is obvious. They are saying that Jains and Buddhists are
> also Hindus. Of course, Ajay will deny it, but then one might wonder why
> their page has no links to Christianity or Islam. Hmmmm....


Once again, as I mentioned to someone else a couple of days ago, I 
appreciate the efforts you have extended in speaking for me.  But Hari 
Krishna ji, please, please let me speak for my self.  I am *very* 
thankful to God, for the ability to think and type that he has provided 
to me.  

I do not particularly feel compelled to enter into this discussion at 
this time.  Surely, you will know my views when I write about this topic.  

Perhaps, since you have been so eager to speak for me, I will first 
e-mail them to you before posting :-)


ajay shah

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