
Re: SRH Reorg Bias: Where Wasn't RFD Posted?

In article <4csgbr$j9g@babbage.ece.uc.edu>,
Bon Giovanni <Bon_Giovanni@earthspirit.org> wrote:

>In a previous article, vivek@cs.rice.edu (Vivek Sadananda Pai)
>reiterates his position on the matter. Vivek has shown 
>great restraint and has not belittled nor insulted his
>correspondents, but has amply expressed his views. 

>Having considered the issues as well as the reasons for
>suggesting the issues, I vote NO, and urge all men of good
>will to vote down the proposed changes to soc.religion.hindu.

As you know: every vote counts. and more over, more than vote
is active participation by everyone of us that is needed for 
the success of SRH.

so my request is that please discuss the RFD, forgetting the
personality issues. 

The observation that you have voted in favour of SRV is in
no way intended to criticise you. Because, actually, majority
of the voters have voted on your side. It was only used to 
show to the others that we should  be *able* to ignore the
past and personalities, and discuss the contents of RFD.

I like many others regularly follow your articles.

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