
ARTICLE : yato mata tato patha?

In the Ninth Chapter of the Bhagavad-gita, which Lord Krsna considers to be 
the most confidential, in verses 9.24-26, He dismisses the notion that 
worshiping any deity is the same as worshiping Him.
After emphatically asserting that He alone is the recipient of sacrifice or 
worship, He says:

yanti deva-vrata devan
pitrn yanti pitr-vratah
bhutani yanti bhutejya
yanti mad-yajino 'pi mam

"Those who worship demigods go to the demigods, those who worship ancestors 
go to the ancestors, those who worship bhutas go to join them, but My 
devotees come to Me."

Not to change the subject, but to clarify it, Krsna then stresses that it is 
love that He is interested in, and that only love will impress Him. In other 
words, this statement (9.26) is necessary because many people claim that all 
the deities are but tangible manifestations of a Supreme and unmanifest 
Truth, and hence worship of that Truth through any of the thousands of 
deities is the same as worship of Krsna. But love is only possible between 
two persons, and even then, when there is any kind of personal motivation, 
it becomes a business-like endeavor. Therefore Krsna stresses love instead, 
for love is only possible with the Personality of Godhead Krsna, no one 


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