ARTICLE : Husain should have known better - a letter
To: GHEN <ghen@netcom.com>
Subject: ARTICLE : Husain should have known better - a letter
From: ashok <ashokvc@giasbm01.vsnl.net.in>
Date: Fri, 11 Oct 96 19:09:11 PDT
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ReSent-Date: Tue, 15 Oct 1996 12:26:51 -0400 (EDT)
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Title: Husain should have known better - a letter
Author: S Merchant
Publication: Afternnon
Date: Oct 11, 1996.
This refers to the nude paintings of Hindu deities by Mr M F Husain which
have hurt the feelings of many Hindus. Many intellectuals, artists and
other leading citizens and self-professed secularists have taken up the
cudgels for Mr Husain on the pretext that any action against the artist
would tantamount to curbing creativity.
A few years ago, the Indian Post had carried a sketch of Prophet
Mohammed praying to Allah prior to Id/Moharrum. Though there was
nothing offensive about the sketch, the Muslim community marched to the
office of the newspaper at Ballard Estate, roughed up the editor/office
bearers and forced them to publish an apology in the next day's issue.
At that time, where were the intellectuals, artists, courageous
newspapermen and leading secular citizens and politicians (V P Singh
was very much in the political limelight then)? The newspapers merely
reported the incident and after the apology, the issue was a closed affair.
As for Mr Husain, he had earlier drawn nudes of Sita which were published
in The Illustrated Weekly of India in the mid-seventies when Mr Kushwant
Singh was the editor. On receiving protests from many of its readers (just
protests, no one went to the office of the Weekly to beat up the staff), the
duo apologised to readers and public for offending their feelings. So, Mr
Husain should have known better.
And why doesn't he paint pictures of Islamic religious figures in similar
fashion? So much for his artistic creativity. The simple truth is that
the best way to flaunt one's secular credentials is whip to Hinduism, find
faults with its culture and practices knowing fully well that there will be no
violent backlash given its genuinely secular and tolerant approach.
S Merchant
Mumbai 400 001.