Press Release : Gandhi Jayanti program of HSC
HSC in conjunction with ISA and other Asian groups, commemorated Mahatma
Gandhi's 127th birth anniversary for the 5th year in a row. On the
evening of October 2, a candlelight vigil was held in memory of those
who died in the struggle for India's independence. HSC's Vinay Vallabh
gave a memorable speech, and two other ISA members spoke for a few
minutes to signify the importance of the event. Over 100 people
attended, candles were lit, and a bhajan was sung. This was the first
time HSC organized a vigil, but it was the most successful of the three
events planned during this year's Gandhi Week.
On the afternoon of October 4, ISA held a rally on the Quad where
Shrimati Kamlaji, a Gandhi follower from the Gandhi Memorial Center in
Washington DC, spoke on the ideals of Gandhiji. Nikunj Chokshi shared
his thoughts, "At the conference we learned a lot about Mahatma Gandhi
and how he lived his life. It was a very interesting and educational
experience. I think that everyone could apply what speakers had to say
to our lives now."
An Asian American acting troupe called Motu Tsunami performed an act,
displaying when Gandhi was a young lawyer and was passionate in his
pursuit for justice.
On October 5, HSC held its annual Gandhi Day Conference. There was an
exhibition of over 50 panels of laminated pictures depicting scenes and
quotes depicting Gandhiji's life.
Purna Lakhia, the chapter coordinator, gave the welcome speech. After
the conference, she commented, "This conference was especially
inspirational for me because I had a chance to listen to four very
knowledgable speakers talk about how one man set such a great example
for so many people."
Kamlaji gave a 40 minute lecture on Gandhiji's initiative. Shree
Chandak, a community leader from Bloomington, IL spoke about how the
relationship between the Bhagavad Gita and Gandhiji's principles.
Professor Brian Hatcher, from Illinois Wesleyan University, spoke about
'Gandhi, the man, and the myth.' Mr. Desai, a man who personally knew
Gandhiji, spoke about what went on in Gandhiji's camp, and what it was
like to actually know him.
Anita Banerji gave her opinion, "I found it very educational and the
atmosphere of the event contributed to my understanding. All three
events were successful and very inspirational to all of us."
Rema Thyagarajan summarized, "The conference was an insightful glimpse
into Gandhiji's life and I learned more here than from any other
If you have any questions or comments the HSC chapter at the University
of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign or about their Gandhi Day Program,
please feel free to contact Purna Lakhia at (217) 398-5968 or
p-lakhia@students.uiuc.edu, or Anita Banerji at
banerji@students.uiuc.edu or check the HSC-UIUC Web Page at
For more information about HSC, please email to hsc@umcc.umich.edu, see
the HSC Web page at http://www.hindunet.org/hsc-can/, or write to HSC,
46 #3 Irving St, Boston, MA 02114 USA, ph: 617-227-3023
HSC is the international forum providing opportunities to learn about
Hindu heritage and culture, to perform SEVA (service), and to increase
awareness of issues affecting the community.