
Re: ARTICLE: Weak to the strong, Strong to the weak - An article by Sri Arun Shourie

Shrisha Rao (shrao@nyx.net) wrote:
: Ramakrishnan Balasubramanian <rbalasub@ecn.purdue.edu> wrote:

: > What really bothered me was the fact that people resorted to
: > violence, though thankfully, it did not go out of bounds. There
: > will, I suppose, always be someone trying to get publicity through
: > such stunts. Using this ocassion to question some of the activities
: > of the so-called liberals, in a sane, logical way (like Shourie)
: > would have been really good. But that would be too ideal a situation
: > to ask for, I suppose.

: Perhaps it is.  But every worthwhile position or objection faces a
: greater danger from its overzealous or foolish defenders than it does
: from its opponents, because the former can tar the cause itself in the
: minds of the uninformed or misinformed.  The task of any rational
: person then becomes to clearly separate himself or herself from the
: excesses committed by others espousing the same cause, while retaining
: the intensity that is needed to succeed.  I honestly believe that
: Hinduism is also in the same way right now; there is urgent need for
: Hindus to do what is needed to safeguard their inheritance of ages
: past from corrosion within and without, and avoid throwing out the
: baby with the bathwater by aligning themselves with the "liberal"
: position out of disgust at the actions of a few loose cannons, or by
: being misled by one-sided "liberal" propaganda.  Indeed, the challenge
: to make sure to continue in spite of the actions of those who hurt
: Hinduism from within, is larger than that of facing its outright
: enemies.

: And ultimately, it is also certain that the enemies of Hinduism, be
: they casual opportunists or committed contra-ideologues, face a much
: greater danger from any one thinking and balanced person than they do
: from any dozen misguided zealots.  This is a fact amply proved by
: experience.

Very good points. I totally concur with Shrisha_ji. 

Nachiketa Tiwari

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