Re: REQUEST : Jesus in India Question
On Wed, 30 Oct 1996 07:16:06 GMT, public@hpl.govt.nz (Public Access
User) wrote:
>In article <ghenE0109K.HJI@netcom.com>, kartik@shiva.loka (Kartik) wrote:
>>In article <ghenDzotvI.16w@netcom.com>, l23@hopi.dtcc.edu says...
>>>Hello all,
>>>While the group at S.R.Eastern is mostly a group of lurkers, recently
>>>there has been discussion about the "Easternism" of Christianity. I'd
>>>like input from anyone on Jesus of Nazareth visiting India. Its also come
>>>up that there are temples to him in Kashmir and Puri. Can anyone verify
>>>or deny those asertations?
>>Yes. I have read a book about this. I think the name was "Jesus Lived in
>>India". I'll email you the name of the author if I find it. It tells how
>>came to Kashmir during his 'missing' years as well as after he was crucified.
>>There is also details about his burial place. He was known in those parts as
>yes same here.
>i read this book in the library.
There's a book called The Aquarian Gospel that says Jesus stayed at
the temple of Jagannath in Puri, and learned much of his religious
ideas there.
As far as I know, there are no Hindu temples dedicated to Jesus. There
aren't even any Christian churches in Kashmis or Puri.
BTW, there's more than one place in Srinagar that claims to be the
tomb of Jesus.
Hari bol!