

In article <ghenDyotK9.42t@netcom.com>,
Joseph M. Emmanuel <maitreya@worldnet.att.net> wrote:
>On Tue, 1 Oct 1996 07:11:51 GMT, shrao@nyx.net (Shrisha Rao) wrote:
>>>These are not flaws.  You chose to call them such.  He is also Everything.
>>>So He is indeed All Forms, Names, Shapes, etc.  My God Has No Flaws:).
>>The main point is still not answered: wherefrom did you get the notion
>>that *if* there is an Omnipotent God, *then* he/she/it is formless?
>>What is the basis for this inference?
>Have you seen any Omnipotent God with form?


>>Also, what is your notion of "flaw"?  Perhaps if we can agree upon a
>>definition of the same, we can make progress towards an agreement
>>whether formlessness is a flaw or not, and whether something that is
>>formless can also be all forms, etc.

>If it is not Perfect, it has Flaws.

Then the definition of `flaw' must rest upon that of `perfect' -- so
what does the latter mean?


Shrisha Rao

>       -Joseph	(maitreya@worldnet.att.net) 

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