Re: ARTICLE : ATMA and How did it get corrupted
: One Question which always bothers me is "If our present actions are
: dependent on our past KARMA, if we travel infinitely backwards, then we
: haven't done any KARMA. I mean we must be Pure Souls without attachment
: and activity. How come we not having KARMA at that time and being PURE
: and PERFECT at that time FALL into activity and Lowered ourselves(?).Or
: am I wrong somewhere in understanding KARMA theory.
IMO, a truly excellent question - I believe one of the best I've seen here
so far. And, being true to my nature, let me be first to put my head on
the chopping block to be cut off.
It is out pre-disposed condition to be born into the world. Through our
ignorance, we then accumulate karma which then effects our dharma.
(Ignorarnce mean "being untaught". Therefore, through the state of both
our flesh and soul being untaught in the nature of karma, we therefore
accumulate it.
Now, I think, it is of both the advaita and dvaita schools of thought that
the soul desires to return to God, hence, our desire to (eventually)
desire to improve ourselves and get off this planet. Once our soul
returns to God, it no longer has the pre-disposition to be reborn although
before it was ever born, it did.
: My understanding of PURITY is that which is unblemished and that which
: cannot be fooled by MAYA(?). But if we were all pure at one time, how
: come we have been fooled. If we had been fooled once when we were pure,
: what is the use of attainment of PURITY in the future;Where is the
: garuntee that we will not fall ito the trap again ?".
Your ascertainment of purity is correct. Hence, very new souls and more
experienced souls within maya will be rather "clueless" in living in maya.
While the souls which are of "middle age" are adequately experienced and
function well within maya. It is also a condition of those within maya to
be entertained by maya - however, we eventually get bored and turn to God.
While we were all pure at one time, we have not necessarily become fooled
and tricked into maya - we merely had the pre-disposition to be born as a
mortal. Once we are born, the entertainment of maya accumulates karma for
us. We do not realize our problem until it is too late. We may be
entertained for one, a-hundred, a thousand, or more incarnations until we
become bored. And then we move on to the next entertainment, until we
eventually return to God.
Although we have all been fooled once, once we attain illumination and
return to God, because we already have been born as a mortal (quite a few
times), we no longer have the pre-condition because we already did it.
Correct me where I'm wrong, please. Let the floggings being!